// Create and display a binary search tree of integer keys.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define TYPED_ALLOC(type) (type *) calloc(1, sizeof (type))
typedef struct tree_node_s {
int key;
struct tree_node_s *leftp, *rightp;
} tree_node_t;
tree_node_t *tree_insert(tree_node_t *rootp, int new_key);
// Function print the node in inorder format, when insertion is complete
void inorder(tree_node_t* root)
if (root != NULL)
printf("%d ", root->key);
tree_node_t *bs_treep; /* binary search tree */
int data_key; /* input - keys for tree */
int status; /* status of input operation */
bs_treep = NULL; /* Initially, tree is empty */
/* As long as valid data remains, scan and insert keys,
displaying tree after each insertion. */
for (status = scanf("%d", &data_key);
status == 1;
status = scanf("%d", &data_key)) {
bs_treep = tree_insert(bs_treep, data_key);
printf("Tree after insertion of %d:\n", data_key);
if (status == 0) {
printf("Invalid data >> %c\n", getchar());
} else {
printf("Final binary search tree:\n");
return (0);
* Insert a new key in a binary search tree. If key is a duplicate,
* there is no insertion.
* Pre: rootp points to the root node of a binary search tree
* Post: Tree returned includes new key and retains binary
* search tree properties.
tree_node_t *
tree_insert(tree_node_t *rootp, /* input/output - root node of
binary search tree */
int new_key) /* input - key to insert */
if (rootp == NULL) { /* Simple Case 1 - Empty tree */
rootp = TYPED_ALLOC(tree_node_t);
rootp->key = new_key;
rootp->leftp = NULL;
rootp->rightp = NULL;
} else if (new_key == rootp->key) { /* Simple Case 2 */
/* duplicate key - no insertion */
} else if (new_key < rootp->key) { /* Insert in */
rootp->leftp = tree_insert /* left subtree */
(rootp->leftp, new_key);
} else { /* Insert in right subtree */
rootp->rightp = tree_insert(rootp->rightp,
return (rootp);