set title 'Title at the top of the graph'
set xlabel 'Text under the x-axis'
set ylabel 'Text to the left of the y-axis'
set xtics 0.5 font ',18' #changing the size of the x tics
set ytics 2.0
set size ratio 0.6
set xrange[0:8]
set grid
set arrow 1 from 1.6,-0.9 to 3,0 #arrow between the two coordinates
set label 1 'Points here' at 0.9,-1 left #text at coordinates, left justified
#ps means pointsize
plot sin(x) with p ps 0.4 pt 6 #figure 1: small (40%) circle markers (pt 6)
plot sin(x) with l lw 6 dt 2 #figure 2: dashed line (dt 2) 6x thick
plot sin(x) with l lw 2 dt 4 #figure 3: border line type (dt 4) 2x thick